Thursday, July 23, 2009

You say tomato, I say annatto, let's call the whole thing off

Other than to-mah-toe and po-tah-toe, I'm not sure what else rhymes with annatto. But when I read Amelia's allergist Dr. Sicherer's book, he devoted a section to a patient who had a mystery allergy and after some detective work, they realized it was annatto, the seed often used as a food coloring.

When we had our appointment last month, I asked if they would test Amelia for annatto allergy, and Dr. Sicherer looked at me like I had two heads. Apparently my careful reading of his text wasn't careful enough, because he told me having an allergy to annatto is quite rare. (Dude, you may be the Dr. House of food allergies but I am an editor, and "rare" did not come up in your chapter, but hey, whatever.... .) I'd avoided foods that otherwise seemed safe because annatto was listed as an ingredient, but once we got the okay, I figured it was okay to feed it to her. So Amelia got to enjoy a tropical fruit Edy's popsicle, with pineapple, passion fruit, peace, and a bunch of other stuff including annatto. She was fine. Yay, another ingredient we don't have to worry about.

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