Saturday, July 11, 2009

One Potato, Two Potato

Last night we made "sweet potato chips" which is basically sliced sweet potatoes, tossed with canola oil and a bit of salt, and then baked in the oven. They are not crispy, though, more like a soft slice of potato. Amelia goes through phases on these. She likes them, she avoids them like they've got swine flu, then she likes them again. We've had a bad run of it lately but since Len and I like them, it's no biggie. Last night she asked for ketchup and I suggested she try a bite plain first, since the last time she decided she liked them more without ketchup than with. She actually did try a bite (shocker) and remembered how much she liked them. So that was a big hit, which is nice since sweet potatoes are decent for you and the dish is easy to make.

Tonight, we made baked potatoes and she was huffy because I actually put one on her plate (split, and mashed up with margarine). Sheesh. Suffice it to say she didn't go near hers, except to stab at it half-heartedly with a fork. For some reason as a kid I didn't like mashed potatoes so maybe it's a texture issue? Who knows? I realized how much I like baked and mashed potatoes, though, so that's good.

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