Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Strawberry Success

So, for some reason, I really wanted Amelia to like strawberries. I'm not sure why, maybe because most kids like them and I always want her to have experiences like her friends when she can, considering how much stuff she can't have, but the whole "try them, you'll like them" goes over like a gondola full of shit around here, so... in the spirit of Ellyn Satter and her tip that it can take a kid MANY times before they'll like a food, I kept offering them and trying not to talk them up too much. Of course, nada.

Finally I hit upon a great idea: SUGAR! Sugar is Amelia's gateway drug. Sprinkle it on anything and she'll at least give the item a try ... or a lick. Brown sugar is her absolute fave but in a pinch she'll go for the white stuff.

Long story short, she is now enjoying her strawberries (not as much as her beloved grapes, though) and I can either a) pat myself on the back for getting her to like a new food or b) kick myself for making her such a sugar junkie. Ah, motherhood!

In less fun news, tonight Amelia had a full-on tantrum and was screaming and sobbing while eating her oatmeal raisin cookie. If it were me I might not have continued chowing down, but nothing was going to pry that cookie out of her little hands. She's asleep now so can someone pour me a margarita, please?

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