Monday, July 20, 2009

Sugar; Amelia's gateway drug

I can't believe how much kids like sugar. I realize that's the sort of comment experienced moms would respond with a "ya think?" and perhaps an eye roll.

But man, it blows me away how much it's the magic elixir for Amelia. Add it to some diced strawberries a few times, as I mentioned earlier, and now she loves the juicy red berries. Lately she's been on a blueberry strike (even avoiding her once-beloved blueberry muffins) but since we haven't been to the market in a few, today it was just about the only fresh fruit we had left in the house. So we let Amelia sprinkle some sugar on them (a tiny bit of sugar, mind you) and bang, two bowls emptied.

I know there must be a way to use this to my advantage with other foods, right?

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