Sunday, July 19, 2009


Last week I picked Amelia up from camp and her teacher told me Amelia really enjoyed her pasta salad. Me -- > shocked. They gave her Good Seasonings salad dressing mix and she loved it. I was a bit %*$*!! whoa because I never ever give her mixes/packaged stuff because I'm so paranoid, but Josephine called them and they said there were no allergens and to forge ahead, so they did. I guess that's how Amelia will expand her diet, if she's offered new things and I loosen up a bit.

I made a call to Kraft, who owns Good Seasonings, and the customer service rep was very nice, and told me if there was any chance of cross-contamination, they'd label for it, and when I asked if mustard was in the mix, she said they'd research that and call me back within 7-10 days. After 24 hours, someone called me back (impressive) and said they actually label for all seeds: sesame, celery, poppy, mustard. You name it, they will label for it in the ingredients. This is why I heart big corporate food giants. I mean, yes, I love little mom & pop companies and local this and that, but when it comes to food allergies and labeling, the big guys have it covered in a way smaller places just can't. In fact, Amelia's allergist says that kids with nut allergies shouldn't eat in bakeries because there is just too mix risk of cross contamination.

So, I salute you, Kraft foods! Thanks for being so great about labeling, and for having such nice customer service.

P.S. Of course we made pasta salad at home on Friday with the mix and it was a bust. Went over like a lead balloon. Onwards!

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